
“This course helped me look back to see what happened in my past so that I could make steps to be my authentic self. It provided micro-shifts in my thinking that led to seeing myself truthfullY."“I feel empowered and free now that I have attended this class. Before I was very unsure of my worth and thought that by being what other people wanted me to be would then make me happy. But now I know my worth and have the confidence and support to make sure I focus on what I need.”

“I wished I had of this course in my past relationships when I did not feel heard or valued and was hurt physically and mentally.”

“Just a quick email regarding a client I have been working alongside that was referred from you. When she had first engage with budgeting her situation was very overwhelming and she just seemed very lost for direction, Due to her situation budgeting did take a back seat as she was working on her family situation first to be able to then get a clear picture and engage with budgeting moving forward, On Thursday I had a follow up appointment with her and “WOW” it was lovely to meet with her again and to see such an amazing turn around and such a noticeable difference in her over all actions, words they all oozed confidence and empowerment. Our appointment was very positive. It was really lovely to see your client thriving and happy and positive and confident well done!”

“Thank you for the retreat, I think the course has left me in a strong place with some good tools to use for my own brain.”

“Learning the names and the definitions of the various games hurt people play and learning the value of one sided forgiveness (me forgiving regardless of the other persons response)”

“Great to look inward and understand why we do what we do. What a great weekend”

“This course has fundamentally changed the way we parent. Before we felt hopeless and overwhelmed as our daughter was becoming sadder and more withdrawn. Now it all makes sense, we feel so much more connected and have a plan to make things better. Kim is an incredible facilitator and the strategies offered are practical and really work. I wish this course had been around when my kids were toddlers, it would have saved so many tears and tantrums, not just from the kids.”

“PPSW is a fantastic course! As a parent with a toddler and entering the daunting realm of parenting behaviours it has been invaluable learning. Just learning that all behaviour is language was a breakthrough. Instead of having the attitude of just ‘how can I stop this bad behaviour?’ I now automatically go to ‘right what’s happening for my little girl right now – what does she need?’. It makes me feel so much more in tune with her and I can really tell now when we connect and things get easily back on track. Without this course I definitely would of gone down a more disciplinary route which was already making my daughter and I sad every time I tried it. Now I can let that go of that and enjoy this parenting journey.”

“I was becoming the mum I didn’t want to be and then this course re centered me and gave me the tools to regain who I want to be. Before the course my daughter and I were on different planets (no connection) now we are more connected”

“This course gave many useful tools, ideas & advise. It was very timely with being in the middle of a pandemic. I have found I have relaxed some of our rules & am giving my daughter more choices in order for her to feel more empowered. We talk more about feelings as well. Just saw a progress report from school & am absolutely delighted & feel more relaxed in my parenting.”

“My husband and I attend the PPSW course after both completing the MSOYW. Our goal was to create a calmer home. We were doing all the "traditional" parenting solutions, that were just not working for us! There were so many "aha moments" throughout the course that makes so much sense. And that taking the time out from whatever is going on in our world and just sitting down and connecting with them changed the whole dynamic of our house. We are still learning and it's really hard to stop reverting back to old ways, but redo's are really helping to correct our behaviour, which in turn is having a positive effect on the kids seeing us doing it. I would totally recommend all families give it a go and see how their lives can be calmer. Thank you so much teaching us Kim what we didn't know before.”